Pablo Perra entered the art game as a child by making his own playable sculpture, to fill in for his parents refusal to buy him a Saint Seiya toy. Later as a teen Pablo entered the world of street art to add some spice to his small-town boredom.
As an adult Pablo studied at the Art Academy in Milan and shortly after graduating escaped to Berlin.
In Berlin Pablo promptly flourished in his new surroundings, gaining press and praise for his many solo artistic ventures – large sculptural works, cartoons, fine art and everything in between.
Later Pablo came into contact with Germany’s ‘King-o-Toys’, Mr. Lucas Rellecke – owner of the ‘Toy Sector‘ shop in Berlin. Almost immediately the two bonded over a shared love of pop-culture ephemera, art and vintage plastic.
Shortly after Pablo and Lucas’s meeting ‘Goodleg Toys‘ was born, a collaborative artistic outlet between the pair that presented Pablo with a creative outlet unique from his solo work.
(Picture below of ‘Rainbow Powder’ a 2013 limited to 15 print work by Pablo Perra)

Currently Pablo is getting his Art Hustle on hard in 2013, with international and local shows with ‘Goodleg Toys’, recent collaborations with artist Ralph Niese, a new personal studio equipped with screen-press and a brain continually spilling over with ideas.
So get schooled on Pablo Perra’s many artistic ventures, by reading the interview below…
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