Art Talk – Tubby aka Tubby Toy aka Tubby1

TubbyToy - Logo 001

Tubby1 is an Australian designer, explorer and artist (though ole Tubs prefers the term ‘vandal’) whose public art is a familiar and welcome site for the citizens of Convict Town.

Most known for his ‘fat guy’ image which can usually be found in drains, secluded areas and rooftops; Tubby sets himself apart from others in the graffiti scene thanks to his proficiency and willingness to reach out and work with others.

Tubby views graffiti and exploring as an endless game, explaining:

Graffiti is like a game you can never win, but it’s fun along the way.

You’ll never be the most prolific writer, there’s always someone who gets up harder than you.

(Picture below of a Tubby sticker in the wild)

TubbyToy - Sticker - Overlooking Sydney Harbour

With Tubby building a solid name for himself in the scene, now is the perfect time to get to know Tubs and his approach to the game, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Justin Jewett aka ‘Rocket Society’ of ‘Hateball’, ‘nul’ and ‘Meta Crypt’

Rocket Society - LOGO 001

Mr. Justin Jewett aka ‘Rocket Society’ is an American artist and designer whose art stems from a love of ‘GI Joes’, Stephen King, ‘Disney’, punk culture, metaphysics, and Spider Man to name but a few.

J is known to many in the designer toy world thanks to his collaborative work with Mr. Brian Ewing released under the ‘Meta Crypt’ label.

Lately, Justin has branched out lone gunman style with his ‘nul’ and ‘Hateball’ labels – releasing zines, patches and the Zine Wolf designer toy, to much acclaim.

And his artistic aim? “In the end, I really really—like REALLY—try to just avoid pretense and do what I’m doing for me.

(Picture below of Justin mugging it up while holding one of his Zinewolf toys)

Rocket Society - Justin Portrait

With great reception for his many past releases, and lots in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know Mr. Justin Jewett by reading the Art Talk, below…
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Art Talk – Monica Balaz of ‘Balazova Black’

M Balaz - holding print

Miss Monica Balaz of ‘Balazovablack’ is a young Slovakian, Australian born artist hailing from Brisbane. Monica’s work is full of thin lines, wispy women, text, and the colours red, black and white. Reminiscent of old tattoos and early 20th century design, yet imbued with a knowing nod to the contemporary.

(Picture below of some art by Monica)

M Balaz - Drawing - Pussy Make the Rules

With a recent RAW show and collaboration with ‘Adorn Attire’ behind her, and lots ahead in this young artist’s future, now is the perfect time to get to know Miss Balaz, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Henros aka Henross

Henros - Selfie

Henry aka ‘Henros’ is an Australian Photographer, Explorer and artist part of the rising UrbEx aka Urban Exploration scene (photographers, graffitti artists, street artists and more).

He explains his passion and reason for creation,

This is simple to me, everyone wants to be known even after they die and I find making a mark is expressing yourself to everyone in society, showing the public what you do & what you believe in.

Expression is extremely important, everyone is becoming a slave to today’s laws and crazy policies, expression has to be exercised to remain sane and to do the things that you believe in, expression relies heavily on making a mark in my opinion.

(Photo by ‘Henros’, below)

Henros - UrBex 005

Henros has only recently turned his full devotion to photography, after years spent in the street art and graffiti worlds. And with a major buzz surrounding ‘Henros’ and the whole UrbEx scene in general, now is the perfect time to get schooled, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Blackie Burns aka ‘Raptor Blood’

Raptor Blood - Logo 005

Blackie Burns AKA Raptor Blood is an Australian photographer and street artist whose work involves that most joyous of activities – exploring. Art installed exploring, photos of areas explored when installing art, photos to record the instillation for posterity…

Aesthetically all the Raptor Blood art is cold. Icy even. From design, to street art, to photos, there is the sense of doom, decay, and industrialisation. Yet these are beautifully cold. They draw the viewer into the world. A visual ice bath invigorating the senses.

(A Raptor Blood photo, of a Raptor Blood paste up, below)

Raptor Blood - Art 005

With a growing reputation, and lots in the works, now is the perfect time to get up to date with Raptor Blood, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – James Quigley aka GUNSHO of ‘Quigley’s Magic Shop’

James Quigley - Portraitpng

James Quigley is an American artist whose goopy liquid style has seen him work for brands and artists as diverse as ‘Heroin Skateboards’, Andrew WK (on the …. video) and ‘Scumbags and Superstars’ to name but a few.

(Picture below of a cartoon, by GUNSHO)

James Quigley - Monster 001

With lots ahead, including James’ debut toy release with ‘Unbox Industries’, now is the perfect time to get to know James aka ‘GUNSHO’, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Nik Gernert of ‘Skumbags’

Nik Gernert - Nik 003

Nik Gernert is a UK based sculptor, illustrator, designer and one half of art gang ‘Skumbags’ – along with close friend Chris Parrish.

Together,  ‘Skumbags’ produce high quality sculptural works for the discerning weirdo.

Alone, Nik is an accomplished artist and all round gear head.

Nik’s hyper detailed line work and sculpting can be placed firmly within the outre/lowbrow/weirdo-art scene in, yet imbued with a very unique vision.

Nik describes his artistic position and worldview:

I’m not that bothered about being remembered personally but it would be ace if some kid in x amount of years time found a Skumbag at a yard sale or charity shop, and it gave them the same feeling it does me now if I find something rad in a similar place.

(Picture below of some ‘Skumbags’ promo art)

Skumbags - Logo

With lots planned for the future, and the ‘Skumbags’ brand well and truly off the line and speeding fast, now is the perfect time to get to know Nik and ‘Skumbags’ by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Stellar Leuna

Stellar Leuna - worldburn

Stellar Leuna is an Australian artist whose creations  exist within a universe populated with witches, girl gangs, occult symbolism, and the hint of impending violence.

Stellar’s bold black and white linework is reminiscent of classics such as the Hernandez brothers, Daniel Clowes, Coop and Steve Dillon – filtered through the aesthetics of Buffy, the Pre-Raphaelites and Tara McPherson.

(Art below by Stellar Leuna)

Stella Leuna - Art - 005

With a recent debut solo show at ‘The Tate’ behind her, and a growing legion of fans, now is the perfect time to get to know Stellar by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Nasty Neil of ‘Wasted Talent’ aka ‘WSTD TLNT’


Nasty Neil of ‘Wasted Talent’ aka ‘WSTD TLNT’ is an American creative machine. A man known to the art world thanks to his sculptural works, most famously his varied collection of marijuana inspired works.

Neil, however, is no mere sculptor. He is a musician, chef, collaborator and all round art powerhouse. Constantly pushing himself and others he works with to achieve a new high with each release.

(Picture below of some Marijuana Medallions by ‘Wasted Talent’)

Nasty Neil - Wasted Talent Marijuana Medallion 002

With a recent move back to his home state of New York after spending 6 months in Oregon, and with a big 2014 ahead, now is a great time to get to know Nasty Neil and ‘Wasted Talent’ by reading the Art Talk interview below…

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Art Talk – Adam Taylor of ‘Slave x One’

SlavexOne - T Shirt Design - 2010 - 002

Adam Taylor is an American artist best known for his work as one half of art group ‘Slave x One’.

‘Slave x One’ began in late 2007 and have been steadily releasing designs, resin sculptures, apparel and toys ever since.

‘Gero’, the debut vinyl from ‘Slave x One’ has generated an immense amount of praise in the scene. With fans and artists alike being drawn to it’s shape, texture and personality.

(Picture below of the Gero vinyl figure – Spectreman edition – by ‘Slave x One’)

SlavexOne - Gero - 001

With new vinyl and art in the works, and many collaborations on the way, now is the perfect opportunity to get to know Adam and ‘Slave x One’ by reading the Art Talk below…

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