Art Whore Toy Review: ‘OEO Toys’ (Previously ‘Slave X One’) – Ancient Aliens Series – Fun Gus – Soft Vinyl – Initial Release One Off

‘OEO Toys’ (Previously ‘Slave X One’) – Ancient Aliens Mash Up Series – Fun Gus – Soft Vinyl – Initial Release One Off

  • Produced By = ‘OEO Toys’ (Previously ‘Slave X One’) – from the USA
  • Figure Name = Ancient Aliens: Fun Gus
  • Release Details = One Off
  • Material = Mexican Soft Vinyl
  • Country of Production = Mexico
  • Height = 21.5 cm (heads to feet)
  • Depth =  5.57 cm (belly to back)
  • Width =  13.5 cm (foot to foot)
  • No of Parts = 6 (body / torso + neck + two arms + two heads)
  • Released = February 2018
  • Sculpt Debut = 7th October 2017 (in wax form)
  • Release Price = $US 100 + shipping
  • Genre = Soft Vinyl Art Toy

Read the full review and pics after the jump…

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Art Talk – Adam Taylor of ‘Slave x One’

SlavexOne - T Shirt Design - 2010 - 002

Adam Taylor is an American artist best known for his work as one half of art group ‘Slave x One’.

‘Slave x One’ began in late 2007 and have been steadily releasing designs, resin sculptures, apparel and toys ever since.

‘Gero’, the debut vinyl from ‘Slave x One’ has generated an immense amount of praise in the scene. With fans and artists alike being drawn to it’s shape, texture and personality.

(Picture below of the Gero vinyl figure – Spectreman edition – by ‘Slave x One’)

SlavexOne - Gero - 001

With new vinyl and art in the works, and many collaborations on the way, now is the perfect opportunity to get to know Adam and ‘Slave x One’ by reading the Art Talk below…

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