Art Talk – Jun of ‘Kearjun’


Jun and ‘Kearjun’ are part of the growing underground art scene in China, recently releasing the Youzha soft vinyl figure to much acclaim.

The Youzha figure is designed and sculpted by Jun in loving tribute to both one of his favorite films (‘Zombi 2’), and breakfast foods (the Chinese fried bread dish known as ‘Youtiao’). Interestingly, Jun chose to have his figure produced in China, as opposed to the usual place of manufacture for soft vinyl toys, Japan. A bold move by Jun which will hopefully solidify China as a reputable place for artists to get work produced, as opposed to the sweat-shop style factories it is famous for.

(Picture below of the Youzha soft vinyl figure by Kearjun)

KEARJUN - Youzha vinyl - 005

Jun’s artistic vision is a mix of pop art and surrealism, stating that, for him,

I believe everything can be art, even my breath at this moment if I’m willing to.

With his Youzha vinyl figure ready to debut in painted mass market form, and lots of other figures and art planned, now is the perfect time to get to know Jun aka Kearjun by reading the Art Talk interview below…

*N.B – the Art Talk with Jun was graciously translated by Jun’s dear friend Gabrielle*

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Art Talk – Yahya Dwi Kurniawan aka ‘Yahyatune’

Yahya Dwi Kurniawan - Art - 007

Yahya DK is a player in the small and tight knit underground arts scene in Indonesia producing both art and music at a frenetic pace.

Growing up in Indonesia Yahya was exposed to what he describes as ‘the smell’ of punk music and outsider art at a young age through bands such as ‘Rancid’ and ‘The Ramones’, tv show ‘Jackass’ and the visual aesthetic of pop and skateboard art.

(Picture below of Yahya)

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With ties to rising Australian art gang ‘Loser Unit’, a recent move into hand made patches, and a growing number of international fans, now is the perfect time to get to know Yahya by reading the Art Talk interview below…

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Art Talk – Jeremy Bourquin of ‘Dead Greedy’

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Jeremy Bourquin is an American pop artist producing sculptural resin works that are not only aesthetically interesting, but also damn damn funny. Traits Jeremy shares with the classic era art of his self proclaimed biggest influence – Morgan ‘The Sucklord’ Phillips.

Indeed, it was a tribute to ole Morgan made by Jeremy – the ‘Popsuckle’ –  that first caught ole Art Whore’s eye. A resin work depicting ‘The Sucklord’ as that classic cheap, cold n disposable treat – the popsicle/iceblock.

Colorful. Bad For You. Ready to be consumed.

(Picture below of Jeremy holding one of his ‘Popsuckle’ creations)

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With a slew of highly regarded releases behind him, a co-sign from ole ‘DKE Toys‘ and new works ready to debut at the 2015 SDCC, now is the perfect time to get to know ole Jeremy and ‘Dead Greedy’ by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – ‘Crummy Gummy’

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‘Crummy Gummy’ is an American pop artist working in a vast array of mediums – street art, photography, sculpture and digital works – who first caught ole Art Whore’s eye back in 2013 thanks to his art toy creations made in collaboration with Manny X.

(Picture below of one of the many ‘Crummy Gummy’ sculptural works)


‘Crummies’ work is filled with a childish joy, combined with the realities of modern adult life – unemployment, violence, sexually transmitted disease and war.

With lots in the works and a new art toy just released, now is the perfect opportunity to get to know ole ‘Crummy Gummy’ and his world, by reading the Art Talk below…
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Art Talk – Ross Radiation of ‘Radiation Art’

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Australian artist Ross Radiation’s work is evocative of the pop art and comic book greats, yet imbued with it’s own aesthetic: hyper color, bold lines, ooze, seemingly drunk / drugged out eyes and immensely powerful women.

Ross gained his initial artistic foothold via his work in the 1990’s Australian underground comic scene – a time of beer, bongs, flannel, rock n roll and no internet. During this time Ross worked and befriended fellow Australian luminaries such as Glenn ‘Glenno’ Smith, Anton Emdin, Stu Stratu and Louise Graber.

Today Ross works as an artist and freelancer in both traditional and digital art to a loyal and ever growing legion of fans and admirers.

(A recent picture of Ross, below)

Ross Radiation - Portrait

A man constantly working, growing and pushing his art, now is the perfect opportunity to get to know Ross and his art, by reading the highly informative Art Talk, below…

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Art Talk – Adam Pratt aka ‘Small Angry Monster’

SAM - Logo

Mr. Adam Pratt aka ‘Small Angry Monster’ is an American multidisciplinary artist known mainly for his work as the designer toy scene’s go-to painter and custom guy. Originally releasing figures under the ‘Halfbad Toyz’ brand – along with Ahren aka ‘Improbable Cast’ and Alex in 2009, Adam’s reputation has grown exponentially since then and seen him work with an impressive roster of artists and groups such as: ‘Goodleg Toys’, ‘Tenacious Toys’, ‘Forces of Dorkness’, Tim Stephson, ‘Argonaut Resin’, ‘Pickman’s Vinyls’, ‘Miscreation Toys’ and countless others.

Adam has a simple and poignant reason for his art:

“Art is escape for me, it is a way to channel all the howling ghosts in my head in a constructive way. I have fought depression my whole life, and mental illness is no fucking joke.

I think without art to be able to focus me, the world would have crushed me a long time ago.

The truth, to me, is the world and all of it’s unforgiving harshness. It is good to become aware of it and become used to it, but we need to be able to deal with it in our own way.

Some people shoot heroin, some people play video games. I paint monsters and robots.”

(Picture below of an Gergle figure by ‘Miscreation Toys‘ – painted by Adam)

SAM x Miscreation Toys - Painted Staple Baby 001

With a ever increasing reputation and many many projects in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know Adam Pratt aka ‘Small Angry Monster’ by reading the open, honest and very very informative Art Talk, below…

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Art Talk – Zac of ‘Selfish Little’

Selfish Little - Square Logo

Zac of ‘Selfish Little’ is an American multidisciplinary artist who has gained global attention thanks to his pop art and sculptural work.

(Picture below of the Mr Canker resin by ‘Selfish Little’)

Selfish Little - Mr Canker 001

Zac joined the resin scene recently thanks to discovering the work of Art Whore Approved artist, Mike Marinello of ‘Blurble‘, an initial discovery that promptly led to a collaborative figure called Muckster.

Since then, Zac has continued to collaborate extensively with ‘Blurble’ (with Zac telling us they have a sofubi figure in the works) and importantly branch out into his own, self directed creations.

With lots in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know Zac, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Ariel Lauren Sexton-Shaw AKA ‘Loveariel’


Ariel Lauren Sexton-Shaw AKA Loveariel is a Sydney born and bred artist and musician whose work is evocative of the occult, the painterly tradition and classic graffiti. Her practice has gained her an international base of collectors, a hugely successful solo show ‘Saintanism’ and living legend status on the streets of Sydney, her hometown.

(Picture below of a painting by Ariel)

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With a 3rd upcoming solo show, a new musical project and a variety of sculptural works all bubbling away in Ariel’s well stocked cauldron, now is the perfect time to get to know her, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Derek James Carter aka ‘DOER’


Mr Derek James Carter or ‘DOER’ is an artist who grew from his roots in the graffiti world of Sydney, Australia in the 1980’s, to become the highly respected multi disciplined artist he is today. The whole time remaining true to his roots whilst being unafraid to learn, grow and branch out, both artistically and collaboratively.

For ‘DOER’:

“Art is basically a journey, you can call it what you want it is very subjective and sometimes I feel it is spiritual and other times just a lot of work but it is my life path and that is how it is.”

(A recent picture below of Derek in the wild)

DOER - Painting - Pic by Cori - 001

So get to know Derek and get schooled on graffiti history by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – John Pryor of ‘Dollar Slice Bootlegs’

DSB - Logo - Color
Mr. John Pryor of ‘Dollar Slice Bootlegs’ outta the U.S.A is a punk loving, tatted up, 35 year old resin slinger whose work has gained him a steady stream of loyal fans since debuting on the scene roughly 1 year ago.

His work is unique, expertly crafted and imbued with a sense of comedic danger – creations that you can imagine offering you a joint and a beer as they playfully destroy everything around them

(Picture below of John and his work – Photo by Phil Rohlik)

DSB - John - Phil Rohlik 001

With a steadily growing profile, and collaborations with ‘Art Whore Approved’ artists Falcon Toys and Butcher Brand in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know John and ‘Dollar Slice Bootlegs’, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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