Art Talk – Paul Schiola of ‘Sputnik Supplies’

Sputnik Supplies - Statue 001

Paul Schiola of ‘Sputnik Supplies’ is an American artist, sculptor and designer toy maker currently bringing innovation to the scene through his DIY Made In USA designer toys.

Paul’s approach to art and life is simple stating that he would most like to be remembered for:

Being a nice person and for making some cool fun toys.

(Picture below of Paul hard at work making his toys)

paul studio 2015

With many figures already behind him, and a growing online presence, now is the perfect time to get to know Paul and his creations, by reading the ‘Art Talk’ below…

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Art Talk – Ben Davies of ‘Drŵg Co’

Drwg Co - Logo 001

Ben Davies is a Welsh based artist and toy maker new to the game yet already generating a lot of buzz thanks to his debut art toy release, the Slave keshi figure – released under the ‘Drwg Co’ label.

‘Drwg Co’ is an art collective made up of Ben and Roger Phillips, with each bringing their own unique talents to the creative partnership – with Ben commenting:

I draw things crudely and come up with the ideas, as well as being the public-facing mouthpiece of the whole endeavor. I also do anything digital, be it online, colouring, making graphics and sorting all the moulding, print production etc.

Roger will do much of the finalised line art, the sculpting and generally provide fatherly advice throughout.

(Picture below of The Slave keshi figure from ‘Drwgo Co’)

Drwg Co - The Slave Keshi 003

With lots in store for ‘Drwg Co’ and a major buzz building, now is the perfect time to get to know all about Ben + ‘Drwg Co’ by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Louie Chavez of ‘Nuke Beach’

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Louie Chavez is an American multidisciplinary artist who recently turned his impressive array of skills to the art toy game under the banner ‘Nuke Beach’.

Louie has thus far released 2 large scale, entirely self-produced resin works to much acclaim, with many many more creations in the ‘Nuke Beach’ pipeline.

(Picture below of some ‘Nuke Beach’ resin freaks.)

Nuke Beach - Resin Gang - 001

With Series 2 of ‘Nuke Beach’ in the works, and a slew of other figures ready for release, now is the perfect time to get to know Louie, his art and ‘Nuke Beach’, by reading the ‘Art Talk’ below:

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Art Talk – Cory Privitera of ‘Science Patrol’

Science Patrol - Toy Gang - 001


Cory P. of Science Patrol is an American born ‘gajin’ living and working in Japan producing sofubi designer toys, both independently and also as an apprentice.

Cory spent his formative years in the army, then in his early 30’s made the life changing decision to move to Japan to pursue his love for their art, culture and importantly toy scene, full time.

(Picture of the ‘Science Patrol’ logo)

Science Patrol - Logo - 002

With a fast growing reputation and a new figure ready to be released, now is the perfect time to get to know Cory and his work, by reading the Art Talk interview below…

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Art Talk – Boyd Braden aka BOObotcher of ‘EPSW’

Boyd Braden is a young American artist and designer pushing hard into the design scene, with both his apparel label ‘EPSW’ and recent debut art toy The Minatorg causing major waves.

(Picture below of the just released Minatorg resin – a collab with ole Scott Kinnebrew of ‘FOD’)

Minatorg Front

With lots on the horizon, and a work ethic to be envied, now is the perfect time to get to know Boyd and his myriad of projects, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Jun of ‘Kearjun’


Jun and ‘Kearjun’ are part of the growing underground art scene in China, recently releasing the Youzha soft vinyl figure to much acclaim.

The Youzha figure is designed and sculpted by Jun in loving tribute to both one of his favorite films (‘Zombi 2’), and breakfast foods (the Chinese fried bread dish known as ‘Youtiao’). Interestingly, Jun chose to have his figure produced in China, as opposed to the usual place of manufacture for soft vinyl toys, Japan. A bold move by Jun which will hopefully solidify China as a reputable place for artists to get work produced, as opposed to the sweat-shop style factories it is famous for.

(Picture below of the Youzha soft vinyl figure by Kearjun)

KEARJUN - Youzha vinyl - 005

Jun’s artistic vision is a mix of pop art and surrealism, stating that, for him,

I believe everything can be art, even my breath at this moment if I’m willing to.

With his Youzha vinyl figure ready to debut in painted mass market form, and lots of other figures and art planned, now is the perfect time to get to know Jun aka Kearjun by reading the Art Talk interview below…

*N.B – the Art Talk with Jun was graciously translated by Jun’s dear friend Gabrielle*

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Art Talk – Zac of ‘Selfish Little’

Selfish Little - Square Logo

Zac of ‘Selfish Little’ is an American multidisciplinary artist who has gained global attention thanks to his pop art and sculptural work.

(Picture below of the Mr Canker resin by ‘Selfish Little’)

Selfish Little - Mr Canker 001

Zac joined the resin scene recently thanks to discovering the work of Art Whore Approved artist, Mike Marinello of ‘Blurble‘, an initial discovery that promptly led to a collaborative figure called Muckster.

Since then, Zac has continued to collaborate extensively with ‘Blurble’ (with Zac telling us they have a sofubi figure in the works) and importantly branch out into his own, self directed creations.

With lots in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know Zac, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Justin Jewett aka ‘Rocket Society’ of ‘Hateball’, ‘nul’ and ‘Meta Crypt’

Rocket Society - LOGO 001

Mr. Justin Jewett aka ‘Rocket Society’ is an American artist and designer whose art stems from a love of ‘GI Joes’, Stephen King, ‘Disney’, punk culture, metaphysics, and Spider Man to name but a few.

J is known to many in the designer toy world thanks to his collaborative work with Mr. Brian Ewing released under the ‘Meta Crypt’ label.

Lately, Justin has branched out lone gunman style with his ‘nul’ and ‘Hateball’ labels – releasing zines, patches and the Zine Wolf designer toy, to much acclaim.

And his artistic aim? “In the end, I really really—like REALLY—try to just avoid pretense and do what I’m doing for me.

(Picture below of Justin mugging it up while holding one of his Zinewolf toys)

Rocket Society - Justin Portrait

With great reception for his many past releases, and lots in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know Mr. Justin Jewett by reading the Art Talk, below…
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Art Talk – Nik Gernert of ‘Skumbags’

Nik Gernert - Nik 003

Nik Gernert is a UK based sculptor, illustrator, designer and one half of art gang ‘Skumbags’ – along with close friend Chris Parrish.

Together,  ‘Skumbags’ produce high quality sculptural works for the discerning weirdo.

Alone, Nik is an accomplished artist and all round gear head.

Nik’s hyper detailed line work and sculpting can be placed firmly within the outre/lowbrow/weirdo-art scene in, yet imbued with a very unique vision.

Nik describes his artistic position and worldview:

I’m not that bothered about being remembered personally but it would be ace if some kid in x amount of years time found a Skumbag at a yard sale or charity shop, and it gave them the same feeling it does me now if I find something rad in a similar place.

(Picture below of some ‘Skumbags’ promo art)

Skumbags - Logo

With lots planned for the future, and the ‘Skumbags’ brand well and truly off the line and speeding fast, now is the perfect time to get to know Nik and ‘Skumbags’ by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Adam Taylor of ‘Slave x One’

SlavexOne - T Shirt Design - 2010 - 002

Adam Taylor is an American artist best known for his work as one half of art group ‘Slave x One’.

‘Slave x One’ began in late 2007 and have been steadily releasing designs, resin sculptures, apparel and toys ever since.

‘Gero’, the debut vinyl from ‘Slave x One’ has generated an immense amount of praise in the scene. With fans and artists alike being drawn to it’s shape, texture and personality.

(Picture below of the Gero vinyl figure – Spectreman edition – by ‘Slave x One’)

SlavexOne - Gero - 001

With new vinyl and art in the works, and many collaborations on the way, now is the perfect opportunity to get to know Adam and ‘Slave x One’ by reading the Art Talk below…

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