Art Talk – Tania Maria Mastroianni

Tania Maria Mastroianni is an Australian / Italian artist currently residing in the New South Wales coastal town of Wollongong; where in 2016 she was the formal Artist in Residence at the Wollongong Art Gallery. Working primarily in painting and installation Tania explores themes of religion, childhood, the feminine, occult and myths in her works.

(Photo of Tania and some of her works, below)

With Tania having just finished up her aforementioned residency and her first music video for up and coming rockers ‘The Dark Clouds’, now is the perfect time to get to know Tania and her art by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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‘Lost Merchandise of the Dreamlanders’ Group Exhibit – Interview with Artist and Curator Tyson Tabbert

“Fake” is all the rage right now – what with Mr Trump and his ‘fake news’, Damien Hirst and his recent art show comprising of ‘fake’ artifacts from a made up lost civilisation, the rise of unpaid internship aka ‘fake’ jobs and now, added to this list is Mr Tyson Tabbert and his brilliantly curated travelling John Waters tribute art exhibition full of ‘fake’ pieces of pop culture trash.

We at ‘Art Whore’ were exposed to the ‘Lost Merchandise of the Dreamlanders’ John Waters tribute group show and immediately blown away! Here was a show devoted to one of our favourite directors – Mr. John Waters – and featuring a whole slew of amazing pop art pieces. From toys, to bed sheets, Halloween costumes, ash trays and more. The show itself featuring thirteen artists working both collaboratively and independently, all under the loving eye of curator Tyson Tabbert.

(Photo below of artist and show curator Tyson Tabbert)

Coming to the end of the exhibit’s first showing at ‘LaMaMa’ in New York City (May 25th to June 24th), and just about to travel to Lethal Amounts in Los Angeles (July 8th to July 28th) – we thought it would be good to have the exhibit’s curator Tyson Tabbert explain it all, so we asked him a few questions. From who the other artists involves are, how they all came to connect, if there had been any legal issues, potential John Waters sex toys and much more.

Read it all below…

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Art Talk – Rafael Pantoja aka ‘Frank Mysterio Jr’

Rafael Pantoja aka ‘Frank Mysterio Jr’ is a Mexican artist with a global following thanks to his magnificent art and designer toys. Whilst Frank can work in any style known to man he is best known for his Pre Hispanic (Aztec, Mayan etc) inspired lines and psychedelic use of colour.

With his art toy work, Frank has followed the standard path, starting with customs on other artist’s toys, and then working his way up to his own creations. Initially all made in Japan. Recently Frank has turned innovator and begun producing art toys DIY style in his home country of Mexico – such as the Primitivo figure above.

(A photo of Rafael below)

With Frank a pioneer in the world of designer toys, and continuing to spread his art all over the world, now is the perfect time to get to know the man, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – QWUX aka ‘STUPIDkid’

QWUX is an artist, designer, curator, editor and all round Australian art scene king. QWUX is firmly part of the ADD generation of artists – forever working on multiple projects, in multiple mediums, all imbued with QWUX’s unique talent.

And QWUX’s main themes? Well that’s easy – Japanese culture, food, computer games, pop art, designer toys, and being an all round legend! Hell, QWUX is such a good dude that when asked what he would most like to be remembered for – he simply answered: “Helping people.

(Some art by QWUX, below)

With QWUX recently revealing his new project – ‘STUPIDkid’ – and having recently arrived back home in Australia after spending time in Japan, now is the perfect time to get to know the man and his art by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Joy Ivill

Joy Ivill is an Australian artist who came to our attention due to her beautiful, fun and technically amazing embroidery. Works that are feminine, sexual, biographical, filled with humour whilst also being tough as nails – Our kinda art for sure.

Under Joy’s hands the act of sewing and embroidery is stripped from it’s historically utilitarian base – think grandma sewing jumpers, mom darning socks or even a young child sewing on Scouts Badges – and transformed into a mode of storytelling, of narrative, of personal catharsis. Tales of bad acid trips, world travels, ended relationships and childhood memories told via fabric and stitchwork.

(Photo below of some art by Joy)

With Joy currently gaining major momentum in the pop art, fine art and fashion worlds, now is the perfect time to get to know her, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Monika Viktoria of ‘Moss Dolls’ and ‘Orchids Designs’

Monika Viktoria is an Australian artist, painter, designer and indie toy maker who recently debuted her very first designer toy – the Singing Bryophyte resin. Which was made in collaboration with UK based manufacturer ‘Made By Cooper’.

Like many designer toy fans and artists – hello Paul Kaiju – Monika first became exposed to the world of designer toys and customising thanks to Blythe. She has been working in the fine art and designer / custom toy and doll worlds for many years now, to much acclaim.

Monika grew up as a teenager in Australia with an absent father and sick mother, taking solace as a teenager in the digital world of Zelda, and the fantasy world of elves, archery, nature and general whimsy. Themes prevalent in Monika’s work to this day.

(Photo below of  some Bryophyte art by Monika)


So without further ado, now is the perfect time to find out more about Monika, her art and life, by reading the Art Talk interview below…

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Art Talk – Kjelshus Collins aka ‘Killajayzeus’ aka ‘Howaitogoburin’

Kjelshus Collins aka ‘Killajayzeus’ aka ‘Howaitogoburin’ is an American multidisciplinary artist who came to our attention thanks to his amazingly unique sculpts. From there we quickly found Kjelshus’ other work in the mediums of print, painting, ceramics and sketching. All imbued with Kjelshus’ unique eye, love of the absurd, pop culture, beautiful lines and dada-esque craftsmanship.

(Picture below of Kjelshus’ just released soft vinyl figure – the Paleonaut)

With Kjelshus having recently released his debut soft vinyl, and much more always in the works, now is a great time to get to know the man and his art, by reading the Art Talk interview below…

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Art Talk – Julio Sánchez Roldán of ‘Betterdays Toys’

Julio Sanchez Roldan is a Spanish artist and designer who releases art toys under the name ‘Better Days Toys’. Julio’s works stand out amongst the often repetitive art toy scene with creations that hint at classic toys of the past, whilst also being unique, odd and full of personality.

Julio’s talent has seen him work with British artist Kyle Platts and American artist Jesse Moynihan on collaborative figures. It has also cemented his reputation as a visionary in the scene.

(Picture below of the Unhappy Wives resin figure from ‘Better Days Toys’)

With Julio recently venturing into keshi production, and hinting at one off works to and more to come, now is the perfect time to get to know the man, his art, and toys, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Kane Banner of ‘Masons of Kenya’

Australian artist, designer and musician is the man behind ‘Masons of Kenya’ – a label producing all sorts of design, art, apparel and ephemera. From stickers, pins, patches to large neon signs. All imbued with Kane’s aesthetic mix of pop culture, the occult and general esoteric practices.

(Picture below of a large neon sign designed by Kane)

With Kane and ‘Masons of Kenya’ on the rise, now is the perfect time to get to know them both, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – John Roderick Paine

John Roderick Paine is an Australian artist, designer and animator who first came to our attention back in 2014 thanks to his amazing sticker designs. In the 3 years since then John has gotten married, gained major hype thanks to his work with the ‘Hashtag Burgers’ crew and continued making his epic art at a maddening pace.

(Picture below of a self portrait by John)

With John continuing to make inroads in the global art scene, now is the perfect time to get to know the man and his art by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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