Art-Talk – ‘Bombermat Toys’ + Matias Bomber

These last few years i have gotten into the seedy, degenerate world of bootleg/custom/self-made-action-figures-as-art. “WTF?” I hear you say… Well… BASICALLY dudes collage, create and/or custom one off pop-art-sculptures/action figures. Simple to do, BUT damn hard to do well.

(Picture below of ‘Bombermat Toys’ Phantom Lord figure)

‘Bombermat Toys’ and their owner-operator Matias Bomber are a company and artist from Argentina, showing just how global the scene is.

‘Bombermat Toys’ are making some of the most well thought out and executed full-card bootlegs in the game right now, so get to know ’em in the interview below…

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Art-Talk – ‘Forces Of Dorkness’ + Scott Kinnebrew

These last few years i have gotten into the seedy, degenerate world of bootleg/custom/self-made-action-figures-as-art. “WTF?” I hear you say… Well… BASICALLY dudes collage,create and/or custom one off pop-art-sculptures/action figures. Simple to do, BUT damn hard to do well.

‘Forces Of Dorkness’ and their owner-operator Scott Kinnebrew are new-guns in this field, and are already making waves in the scene. Probably caus’ Mr. Kinnebrew is an all round pop-art machine, plying his trade through one-off art sculprures, screen-prints, graphic-design and custom toys.

 (picture below of a March 2013 custom ‘Bad Buddha’ by Scott/’F.O.D’)

Get to know ‘Forces Of Dorkness’ and Mr. Scott Kinnebrew in the interview below…

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Art-Talk – Aldous Massie

Mr. Aldous Massie is a damn talented artist living in Convict-Town, Australia. His work is soft and subtle, ususally beginning it’s life as a pencil or ink sketch, that is later transformed and manipulated via digital media. I’ll let his work and his talent speak for themselves, caus it’s that damn solid….

(Picture below of a recent mixed-media piece by Aldous)

…get to know Aldous and his work in the interview below…

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Art Talk – ‘ManOrMonster? Studios’ + Brandon Michael Barker

ManOrMonster 2013 logo

Well these last few years i have gotten into the seedy, degenerate world of bootleg-action-figures-as-art. “WTF?” I hear you say… Well… BASICALLY some dudes collage existing action figures, into ‘new’ art-pieces. How? By taking apart existing action figures, casting the necessary ‘parts’ wanted, adding a bit of extra sculpting to the casted parts, then BAM! A new ‘bootleg’ art piece is created. Simple to do, BUT damn hard to do well

…That’s some. Other’s like ‘ManORMonster? Studios’ and their owner-operator Brandon Michael Barker outta Indiana in the U-S-of-A use the idea of toy-bootlegging as an initial step in a much larger process of creating whole new characters.

Not only that BUT Mr. Barker is an all round pop-culture renaissance man, plying his trade through comics, wood work, resin toys, porcelain statues, stained glass and even amazing life-size costumes.

(Photo below of ‘MoM? Studios’ most famous creation – as of yet – ‘Bog-Nar’)

Warlords of Wor - Bog-Nar

Get to know ‘MoM? Studios’, and Brandon Michael Barker in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Michael Skattum

Michael Skattum - name logo

Michael Skattum is a damn cool, talented illustrator and musician currently living in Barcelona, Spain. His work covers art-toys, illustration, bronze-work and screen-printing. After many years of art-creation, Michael has recently entered the toy-game too, with his resin ‘Human Slayers’ piece.

(Photo of Michael Skattum + one of his creations, below)

M Skattum - photo of Michael w drawing

Get to know Michael + his amazing art below…

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Art Talk – ‘2BitHack’ + Gary Buder

2bithack - logo

Well these last few years i have gotten into the seedy, degenerate world of bootleg-action-figures-as-art. “WTF?” I hear you say… Well… BASICALLY some dudes collage existing action figures, into ‘new’ art-pieces. How? By taking apart existing action figures, casting the necessary ‘parts’ wanted, adding a bit of extra sculpting to the casted parts, then BAM! A new ‘bootleg’ art piece is created. Simple to do, BUT damn hard to do well.

…That’s some. Other’s like Gary Buder AKA 2BitHack use there bootlegs to critique not only general pop culture, but also fine art + the toy scene specifically. PLUS his pieces all have that special something…

I hit up 2BitHack for an ‘Art Talk’ interview, and he agreed; providing i placed his self-written disclaimer up top… So here goes… Disclaimer + interview below:

2BitHack Disclaimer: “I hppe you are ready for horrible grammar run on sentances and misspellings i am no writer sorry.”

(Photo of Mr 2BitHack, Gary Buder – holding his Banksy bootleg – below)


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Art Talk – Sindy Sinn


Sindy Sinn is a damn talented illustrator and musician living in Convict-Town, Australia. His work is bold, vibrant, and his his words ‘creepy’. After many years of practise, Sindy has recently entered the ‘art-hustle’ full-time, with lots of commission work. He is also about to set-up a proper online shop + release a children’s book; all of which will be instilled with his energy, humour, and love of all things rock-n-roll.

(Photo below of Sindy Sinn being ‘supported’ by his motley crue)

Sindy Sinn - with mates

Check out Sindy Sinn’s art, and get to know the dude, in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Anna FG + ‘Strong Pencil’


Anna FG aka ‘Strong Pencil’ is a designer, illustrator, and all round amazing women who has lived and worked in Australia, England, and other parts of the general United Kingdom. She brings boldness, whimsy and a touch of the grotesque to her works; and most importantly she is damn talented. Like eye-bleeding + vomiting-rainbows levels of talent.

(Photo Below of Ms. ‘Strong Pencil’ Anna FG + her creation Eugene)

Anna + Eugene

BUT don’t listen to me, read the interview below – and check out Anna/’Strong Pencil’s’ work too…

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Art Talk – Brad Rader + ‘Battle Babies’

Battle Babies - LOGO

Well these last few years i have gotten into the seedy, degenerate world of bootleg-action-figures-as-art. “WTF?” I hear you say… Well… BASICALLY some dudes collage existing action figures, into ‘new’ art-pieces. How? By taking apart existing action figures, casting the necessary ‘parts’ wanted, adding a bit of extra sculpting to the casted parts, then BAM! A new ‘bootleg’ art piece is created. Simple to do, BUT damn hard to do well.

…That’s some. Other’s like Brad Rader + his label ‘Battle Babies‘ outta Kingsport, Tennessee, U.S.A; take bootlegging to a vastly weirder level: they collage one-off pop-art pieces, using baby-toys!

(Picture below of a ‘Battle Babies’ piece)

 Battle Babies - Baby Battle

Get to know ‘Battle Babies’ and Brad Rader in the interview below….

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Art Talk – Weird Luke + ‘Resin Trash’

Resin Trash Pieces

Well these last few years i have gotten into the seedy, degenerate world of bootleg-action-figures-as-art. “WTF?” I hear you say… Well… BASICALLY some dudes collage existing action figures, into ‘new’ art-pieces. How? By taking apart existing action figures, casting the necessary ‘parts’ wanted, adding a bit of extra sculpting to the casted parts, then BAM! A new ‘bootleg’ art piece is created. Simple to do, BUT damn hard to do well.

…That’s some. Other’s like Weird Luke + his label ‘Resin Trash’ outta Gowanus, New York, U.S.A; take bootlegging to a higher level: they sculpt EVERYTHING!

(Photo below of Weird Luke in his hometown of Gowanus, NYC)

 Gowanus Luke 001

To this end i shot Weird Luke of ‘Resin Trash’ some questions to try to peel back the psyche and process involved in being a degenerate, underground toy-sculptor.

Get to know Weird Luke + ‘Resin Trash’ in the interview below…

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