Art Talk – Luke Toywalker AKA Lucas Rellecke of ‘Goodleg Toys’ + ‘The Resin Syndicate’

Goodleg Toys - Logo

Luke Toywalker is the toy king of Germany. Luke is not only one half of ‘Goodleg Toys‘ with Pablo Perra, he is also the owner of the ‘Toy Sector‘ shop in Berlin, Germany.

Luke’s devotion to toys began as a child in West Germany thanks to a supportive grandmother who purchased him as many of the available bootleg and knock-off toys as she could. A passion for the weird and unusual that he has since utilised in the production of his own art figures, through his company, ‘Goodleg Toys’.

(Picture below of ‘Goodleg Toys’ Manborg figure)


‘Goodleg Toys’ may be relatively new to the art-toy scene, but with membership of ‘The Resin Syndicate‘ locked-down, multiple loved releases including the Manborg figure, and a gallery show behind them, now is the perfect time to get up to date…

So, get to know Luke Toywalker and ‘Goodleg Toys’, in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Eric B AKA Mr. Krotpong of ‘Krotpong’

Krotpong - Krampus art

Eric B AKA Mr. Krotpong is a man bringing something new and exciting to the art-toy scene, namely a focus and love of European folk tales and history, a marked change from the usual subjects of choice for toys, namely Japanese and Asian pop-culture and mythology.

Mr. Krotpong has so far released a figure of the Krampus, a figure connected to the myths and tales of European yule season which had been generating a lot of praise within the scene.

(Picture below of Mr. Krotpong’s figure, The Killer Krampus – painted and produced by Mr. Krotpong)

Krotpong - Krampus fig painted by Krotpong 002

So now is the perfect time to get schooled on Mr. Krotpong, and the Killer Krampus, by reading the interview below…

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Art Talk – Jeremi Rimel of ‘Miscreation Toys’ + ‘Autopsy Babies’

Miscreation Toys - logo

Jeremi Rimel and his company ‘Miscreation Toys’ are responsible for some of the most technically detailed art figures in the scene today, something Jeremi has accomplished with no formal artistic education.

Jeremi and ‘Miscreation’ are most well known for their Autopsy Babies line of  art figures he has been making since 1996. Recently Jeremi has begun releasing his Autopsy Babies line in multi-piece-resin-runs, which has allowed more art lovers to own some ‘Miscreation’. In continuing to help spread ‘Miscreation’ and his Autopsy Art around the world, Jeremi has recently teamed-up with Luke Rook of ‘Grody Shogun’ fame, to release a soft-vinyl/sofubi line of Autopsy Babies, which will debut in late 2013 either at NY Comic Con, or Designer Con.

(Picture below of the Gergle resin figure – bloodstained edition. Part of Jeremi + ‘Miscreation’s Autopsy Babies line)

Miscreation Toys - Gergle Bloodstained Edition

So now is the perfect time to get to know Jeremi Rimel, ‘Miscreation Toys’ and the Autopsy Babies by reading the interview below…

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Art Talk – ‘Blockheads Toys’, ‘The Resin Syndicate’ + the Ziegler Brothers

Blockheads LOGO

The Ziegler brothers Garrett and Jordan make up ‘Blockheads Toys‘ a new group in the art-toy scene making toys that hint at acid fueled violence…

Not content with being a lone entity, Garrett and Jordan were quick to link in with other art-groups ‘Edge of Doom‘ and ‘Goodleg Toys‘ to form, Voltron like, the umbrella art gang, ‘The Resin Syndicate‘.

(Picture below of the Sgt. Corpse Grinder figure by ‘Blockheads Toys’)

Blockheads Toys - Sgt. Corpse Grinder

‘The Resin Syndicate’ gang will be debuting a stall at the 2013 Designer Con together…

So now is a great time to get to know the Ziegler Brothers, ‘Blockheads Toys’ and ‘The Resin Syndicate’ in the interview below…

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Art Talk – ‘Bad Teeth’ + Glenn Manders

Bad Teeth - LOGO

Glenn Manders originally established his brand ‘Bad Teeth’ back in 2005 as a vehicle for his comic creations, and it quickly grew to becoming internationally distributed, with artists such as Michael Skatuum, Luke Temby (‘Cupco‘) and ‘Blurble‘ contributing.

Recently, Glenn and ‘Bad Teeth’ have also entered the art toy game, releasing one sold out resin piece so far, and another in the works.

(Picture below of the clay prototype for Glenn + ‘Bad Teeth’s upsoming Cheestroyer figure – scuplted by ‘Double Haunt‘)

Bad Teeth x Double Haunt - Cheestroyer

So get to know Glenn Manders + ‘Bad Teeth’ in the interview below…

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ArtTalk – ‘Killer Bootlegs’ + Peter Goral (Killer Strikes Back: The 2nd ArtTalk)

Killer Bootlegs - Cream Logo

Peter Goral is the ADD infused brain behind well established brand ‘Killer Bootlegs‘. ArtWhore last spoke with Peter in late 2012 for Art Whore’s very first Art Talk.

Since then, Peter + ‘Killer Bootlegs’ have released one of the most well received art figures of 2013, The Phantom Starkiller. Stepped the bootleg game up to new hights with the release of his plexicard-backed figures. Collaborated with artists such as Tyler Ham of ‘Ham Fx’, Mike Kirchoff AKA ‘The Mark Ultra’ and Gary Buder AKA ‘2BitHack’,  and multiple other artistic triumphs.

(Picture below of a plexicard-backed Phantom Starkiller figure)

Killer - Plastic Card Back 002

So get re-aquainted with Peter and ‘Killer Bootlegs’ in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Mr. Frank Kozik

Kozik - Clockwork Qees LOGO

Mr. Frank Kozik is art. Art is Frank Kozik. Simple as that really.

Why? Well Mr. Kozik has been in the art hustle since the early 1980’s, working in poster art, video directing, record label ownership, design, and recently the realm of art toys; all to much acclaim. In fact, IF there was a venn diagram representing pop-art since the 1980’s, Mr. Frank Kozik would be the centre of it – independent, yet connected.

(Picture below of Mr. Kozik putting the finishing touches on some of his art)

Kozik - at work

So get to know Mr. Frank Kozik, and his art in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Tanin Tumth + ‘Ministry of Kongz’

Ministry of Kongz - Logo 2

Tanin Tumth is the man behind ‘Ministry of Kongz’, a Thai art-toy company producing figures that echo the classic kaiju monsters of Japan, but imbued with the spirit, culture and mythology of Thailand.

‘Ministry of Kongz’ originally released their art in resin, but have recuntly begun producing their art in vinyl, namely the Kruzzilla + the recently released Yakonimonz.

(Picture below of the ‘Ministry of Kongz’ Yakonimonz art toy)

Ministry of Kongz - Yakonimonz

Get to know ‘Minsty of Kongz’ and Tanin Tumth in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Brian AKA ‘Jerkface’ AKA ‘JerkfaceNYC’

Jerkface NYC - Logo

Brian AKA ‘Jerkface’ AKA ‘JerkfaceNYC’ comes from the same continuum of down and dirty NYC street art as pioneers such as Keith Harring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and the IRAK NY crew. Importantly, Brian brings a love of Cubism to his art; creating a melting pot of graffitti, cubism and the hyper-colour of the streets.

Brian has also collaborated with other artists such as ‘Phetus‘, and has been killing the live art scene in NYC as of late.

(Picture below of Brian AKA Jerkface hard at work)

Jerkface - painting

Get to know Brian AKA Jerkface in the interview below…

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Art Talk – Edwin Vazquez + ‘Werewolf of NYC’

Edwin - logo

Mr. Edwin Vazquez loves his art so much, that he is willing to literally become the charecters he creates. A form of method-writing if you will. In this instance going without sleep, and gaining over 40 pounds, to become his comic creation, ‘The Werewolf of NYC’.

(Picture below of the cover for Werewolf of NYC #1, utilising Edwin’s unique line)

Werewolf of NYC - Comic No. 1

Edwin’s art utilises an extremely unique goopy line style – a style that has seen Edwin work for such established brands as ‘Bongo Comics’ and ‘Mad Magazine’. Mr. Vazquez is also an accomplished sculptor, and has worked with Mr Mike Kirchoff AKA ‘The Mark Ultra’ to bring his ‘Werewolf of NYC’ creation to life in a limited edition art toy.

Get to know Edwin Vazquez and his art, in the interview below…

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