Art Whore

Artist Feature – Mike McGann

Mike McGann is an Australian artist who was prolific in the Australian Sci Fi scene in the 1970s and 80s. Back then Mike’s work could be found gracing the inside of zines, flyers for conventions and most notably, on t-shirts Mike would screen print himself, at home.

Mike and his art comes from a period in sci fi fandom before the ease of digital technology and the internet. Back when it was all done by hand, and exchanged via mail-order or at sporadically held conventions. The fandom of this period was personal, DIY and punk as fuck. We love it.

And today? Well me discovered Mike and his work when he was selling some screen printed t-shirts at a pop-culture collectibles fair in Hurstville, NSW; in Australia earlier this year. We instantly fell in love with both Mike and his work.

Sadly, Mike has pretty much no online presence – He’s 64 and doesn’t have a computer or smart phone. BUT when we met up a second time a while back, he gave us lots of binders of his work and said we can scan em up and post em online to share with the world!

Now… You may be wondering how you can get in touch with Mike or order his work after seeing the images below. And… Well… The short answer is you can’t.

Mike is a face to face person for the time being. BUT we here at Art Whore are planing to do what we can to bring Mike’s art to the masses. So stay tuned for developments. AND as always, if you really must know more. RIGHT NOW. Just get in touch via email:

And finally? Highlights of some of Mike’s art – from two portfolios he self published in 1986 – below…

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