Art Talk – Stellar Leuna

Stellar Leuna - worldburn

Stellar Leuna is an Australian artist whose creations  exist within a universe populated with witches, girl gangs, occult symbolism, and the hint of impending violence.

Stellar’s bold black and white linework is reminiscent of classics such as the Hernandez brothers, Daniel Clowes, Coop and Steve Dillon – filtered through the aesthetics of Buffy, the Pre-Raphaelites and Tara McPherson.

(Art below by Stellar Leuna)

Stella Leuna - Art - 005

With a recent debut solo show at ‘The Tate’ behind her, and a growing legion of fans, now is the perfect time to get to know Stellar by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Chris Yee aka ‘Yee The East’

Chris Yee

Chris Yee aka ‘Yee The East’ is an Australian born artist and illustrator gaining a name for himself thanks to his highly detailed black and white illustrations.

He is most known for his semi autobiographic creation Boo Boo Lou – a smart ass Asian kid constantly getting up to mischief.

Chris’ work evokes the comic art greats such as Jack Kirby, and Jim Steranko yet imbues them all with a unique mix of Asian culture, and 1990’s references.

(Picture below of Chris’ most well known creation, Boo Boo Lou)

Chris Yee - Cult of Booboo

With a highly regarded solo show back in 2013, and lots in the works for the rest of 2014, now is the perfect time to get to know Chris Yee by reading the Art Talk interview below…

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