All art movements have masters, the Plop Art Movement’s master is ‘The Schmucklord’.
According to The Schmucklord, “Plop Art is art that is intentionally shit, it’s just shit.”
(Picture below of Dungmy Assmaster by ‘The Schmucklord’)
The Schmucklord, it must be known, has a nemesis and creative foil; Pop-Art mastermind The Sucklord. Indeed Schmuck’s very artistic drive results from an internal desire to one day hate fuck Morgan Phillips AKA The Sucklord.
Thankfully though Schmuck has recently been through some therapy and is getting in touch with his inner child (who happens to be a 5 year old girl called Nina), as well as his issues towards Morgan. He is back making ‘art’ as a result – though still mainly resulting in artistic attacks on his nemesis and secret crush and other artists from the scene.
Why does The Schmucklord hate The Sucklord? What unique use exactly does he find for his bowel movements? What is “plop art”? Who is The Schmucklord?
Find out, by reading The Schmucklord’s Art Talk, below…