Art Talk – Ariel Lauren Sexton-Shaw AKA ‘Loveariel’


Ariel Lauren Sexton-Shaw AKA Loveariel is a Sydney born and bred artist and musician whose work is evocative of the occult, the painterly tradition and classic graffiti. Her practice has gained her an international base of collectors, a hugely successful solo show ‘Saintanism’ and living legend status on the streets of Sydney, her hometown.

(Picture below of a painting by Ariel)

Love Ariel - ART - 001

With a 3rd upcoming solo show, a new musical project and a variety of sculptural works all bubbling away in Ariel’s well stocked cauldron, now is the perfect time to get to know her, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Derek James Carter aka ‘DOER’


Mr Derek James Carter or ‘DOER’ is an artist who grew from his roots in the graffiti world of Sydney, Australia in the 1980’s, to become the highly respected multi disciplined artist he is today. The whole time remaining true to his roots whilst being unafraid to learn, grow and branch out, both artistically and collaboratively.

For ‘DOER’:

“Art is basically a journey, you can call it what you want it is very subjective and sometimes I feel it is spiritual and other times just a lot of work but it is my life path and that is how it is.”

(A recent picture below of Derek in the wild)

DOER - Painting - Pic by Cori - 001

So get to know Derek and get schooled on graffiti history by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – John Pryor of ‘Dollar Slice Bootlegs’

DSB - Logo - Color
Mr. John Pryor of ‘Dollar Slice Bootlegs’ outta the U.S.A is a punk loving, tatted up, 35 year old resin slinger whose work has gained him a steady stream of loyal fans since debuting on the scene roughly 1 year ago.

His work is unique, expertly crafted and imbued with a sense of comedic danger – creations that you can imagine offering you a joint and a beer as they playfully destroy everything around them

(Picture below of John and his work – Photo by Phil Rohlik)

DSB - John - Phil Rohlik 001

With a steadily growing profile, and collaborations with ‘Art Whore Approved’ artists Falcon Toys and Butcher Brand in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know John and ‘Dollar Slice Bootlegs’, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Beau Van Greener of ‘Credenda Studios’

Credenda Studios - Logo
Mr. Beau Van Greener is an American artist and designer known for his art toy and screen printing works – all executed with a fine attention to detail.

(Picture below of ‘The Gatekeeper’ resin on wood piece from Credenda Studios)

CS - Resin - Gatekeeper - On Wood

 Beau creates works of universal resonance thanks to his skill, vision, sense of character design and a willingness to work with others.

Indeed Beau sums up his personal philosophy, stating:

You should do what you want and not give a shit what others think of it. As long as you’re happy then that is all that matters.

There is always going to be someone out there that thinks you and whatever you do is absolute crap. But brush it all aside and do what makes you happy.

You’re living your life for you. No one else.

 With lots ahead in 2015, including sculpted works, new mediums and a collaboration with Mr. Alex Pardee, now is the perfect time to get to know Beau and ‘Credenda Studios’, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Tom Snaw aka ‘SNAW’ aka ‘SNAWLAX’

SNAW - logo

Tom Snaw aka ‘SNAWLAX’ is a Frank Zappa, MAD magazine loving vandal who has been hitting the streets of Convict Town for years with his unique tags, throws, murals and stickers.

Snaw is not a writer to ever rest on his laurels. He gets up constantly, varies his style at will, and makes a huge effort to stain those hard to reach places.

(Picture below of Snaw getting up in the Sydney CBD)

SNAW - SNAW- Getting Up

Indeed, Snaw sums up his approach to graffiti and getting up as:

I was more inspired by the ‘zorro’ approach to graff.

I like the mystery, i don’t really socialise with other writers i prefer to get in, paint, get a flick, add it to the pile, move on to the next one.”

Now with years of street work to his name, and a recent entry into the ‘legit’ world with his apparel brand, now is the perfect time to get to know ole Snaw by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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Art Talk – Tubby aka Tubby Toy aka Tubby1

TubbyToy - Logo 001

Tubby1 is an Australian designer, explorer and artist (though ole Tubs prefers the term ‘vandal’) whose public art is a familiar and welcome site for the citizens of Convict Town.

Most known for his ‘fat guy’ image which can usually be found in drains, secluded areas and rooftops; Tubby sets himself apart from others in the graffiti scene thanks to his proficiency and willingness to reach out and work with others.

Tubby views graffiti and exploring as an endless game, explaining:

Graffiti is like a game you can never win, but it’s fun along the way.

You’ll never be the most prolific writer, there’s always someone who gets up harder than you.

(Picture below of a Tubby sticker in the wild)

TubbyToy - Sticker - Overlooking Sydney Harbour

With Tubby building a solid name for himself in the scene, now is the perfect time to get to know Tubs and his approach to the game, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Justin Jewett aka ‘Rocket Society’ of ‘Hateball’, ‘nul’ and ‘Meta Crypt’

Rocket Society - LOGO 001

Mr. Justin Jewett aka ‘Rocket Society’ is an American artist and designer whose art stems from a love of ‘GI Joes’, Stephen King, ‘Disney’, punk culture, metaphysics, and Spider Man to name but a few.

J is known to many in the designer toy world thanks to his collaborative work with Mr. Brian Ewing released under the ‘Meta Crypt’ label.

Lately, Justin has branched out lone gunman style with his ‘nul’ and ‘Hateball’ labels – releasing zines, patches and the Zine Wolf designer toy, to much acclaim.

And his artistic aim? “In the end, I really really—like REALLY—try to just avoid pretense and do what I’m doing for me.

(Picture below of Justin mugging it up while holding one of his Zinewolf toys)

Rocket Society - Justin Portrait

With great reception for his many past releases, and lots in the works, now is the perfect time to get to know Mr. Justin Jewett by reading the Art Talk, below…
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Art Talk – Monica Balaz of ‘Balazova Black’

M Balaz - holding print

Miss Monica Balaz of ‘Balazovablack’ is a young Slovakian, Australian born artist hailing from Brisbane. Monica’s work is full of thin lines, wispy women, text, and the colours red, black and white. Reminiscent of old tattoos and early 20th century design, yet imbued with a knowing nod to the contemporary.

(Picture below of some art by Monica)

M Balaz - Drawing - Pussy Make the Rules

With a recent RAW show and collaboration with ‘Adorn Attire’ behind her, and lots ahead in this young artist’s future, now is the perfect time to get to know Miss Balaz, by reading the Art Talk below…

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Art Talk – Henros aka Henross

Henros - Selfie

Henry aka ‘Henros’ is an Australian Photographer, Explorer and artist part of the rising UrbEx aka Urban Exploration scene (photographers, graffitti artists, street artists and more).

He explains his passion and reason for creation,

This is simple to me, everyone wants to be known even after they die and I find making a mark is expressing yourself to everyone in society, showing the public what you do & what you believe in.

Expression is extremely important, everyone is becoming a slave to today’s laws and crazy policies, expression has to be exercised to remain sane and to do the things that you believe in, expression relies heavily on making a mark in my opinion.

(Photo by ‘Henros’, below)

Henros - UrBex 005

Henros has only recently turned his full devotion to photography, after years spent in the street art and graffiti worlds. And with a major buzz surrounding ‘Henros’ and the whole UrbEx scene in general, now is the perfect time to get schooled, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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