Rune Alexandersen is a Danish sculptor, artist and musician who first grabbed our attention thanks to his beautiful toy sculpting work – creating figures which evoke 1990s ‘Playmates Toys’ weirdness. All mutants, slime and monsters.
He has collaborated with Art Whore Approved toy makers ‘Good Leg Toys’ outta Germany and gained lots of fans due to his illustration, traditional art and music – With Rune being a mainstay of the Danish punk scene for years. Most recently playing in renowned death rock act ‘Moth’.
(Picture below of a self portrait by Rune)

Interestingly, Rune calls himself a man of craft. Not an artist… Bringing a very interesting idea to the table. Rune states:
“I don’t really like the word ‘Art’. To me, it’s dead. I doesn’t mean anything anymore – anything and everything can be art:
* A garbage can in a gallery: Art.
* A lampshade covered in dirt: Art
* A shitty painting, by somebody who can’t paint: (Ironic) Art.
I don’t buy into that. I think its about time we discard that term. To me, it has become a word, that is used to legitimize ones taste, as in ”Oh, THAT’s art!” BS.
What I do, I usually refer to as a craft. There are rules to how a picture works: contrasts, rhythm, composition, storytelling and so on. I would never call myself an artist.”
With Rune about to drop a collab art toy with our old friends ‘Good Leg Toys’ outta Germany, and constantly working on art of all types now is the perfect time to get to know Rune, by reading the Art Talk (Craft Talk?) interview, below…
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