Art Whore

Art Talk – Nikki Peck aka Nikki Pecasso

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 013

Nikki Pecasso in a Canadian artist creating highly detailed, erotic works. Bold lines, splashes of color and women. So many women. Women playing with molded penises, sitting sexually on toys, holding bongs, sucking on fingers, eating pussy and hovering above us. Torturing us with their perfection. Eyes stern and knowing. Playful.

A mix of porn, feminism and pop that explodes in front of the viewer.

(Picture below of Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Pic of Nikki - 001

So, with Nikki’s career just beginning, but her recognition in the scene growing rapidly, now is the perfect time to get to know this brilliant and fun artist, by reading the Art Talk interview below…

Basics/Getting to Know

Name + D.O.B?

Nicole Lauren Peck
Born June 18th, 1992

City, State n Country you currently call home?

Vancouver and Montreal Canada

City, State n Country your from?

Vancouver BC born and raised

(Picture below of some art by Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 018

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 028

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 003

Describe a memory from some stages of yr life ….basically trying to piece together your pivotal moments. Concerts, art, action-figures, romance, school, crime… ANYTHING!

* age 5 – beginnings:

Hrrmmmm okay I was literally the weirdest freakshow when I was five years old.  I would put tights on my pixie cut hair and pretend I had long luscious locks and watch Disney’s swan princess on repeat.
I was also obsessed with black olives.

* age 10 – continuations:

I watched a lot of bad TV.  And was in my awkward phase… I didn’t really identify as a girl… and was into all the boy shit.  I’m also pretty sure that was the first time I masturbated… and It may have been to the cartoon fox character from Disney’s Robin hood or that hot guy from Anastasia.
I watched Disney movies religiously until I pretty much hit puberty.

(Picture below of Nikki as a kid)

Nikki Pecasso - As a Kid - 001

* age 15 –getting serious:

Okay.  Puberty hit.
I found my little niche of friends I always hung out with and played Second Life.
This was also the age where I first discovered drinking.  I would raid my parents liquor cabinet pouring shots of every kind of liquor into a water bottle, shake it up and get stupid drunk before going to a high school community dance.  (where I had my first slow dance to Hoobastank’s “The Reason”)

(Picture below of Nikki as a teen)

Nikki Pecasso - As a Teen - 001

* age 20 – young adult:

I graduated from High school! It was definitely not as cool as “Not another teen movie” or The Girl next Door” graduation but whatever.  High school is lame anyways.
I got accepted to my first choice university at Concordia in Montreal for a double major in Studio Arts and Art History.  This is where my creative process begins….

* age 25 – adult mode:

I am only 24 so I am not really there yet!
Although I can say I graduated from University and work at a contemporary art Gallery and Museum in Vancouver B.C.  I am just focusing on work and drawing smutty ladies on the side…. I want to get into zines and making comics… then maybe put that all aside and get “real” with my art and apply to grad school.

Personal motto?

“If your not good at what you do, I’m not gonna do you”

Art Questions

Favorite other artist(s)?

Philip Gustun, Lawrence Paul Yuxewluptun, Allison Shulnik, Jon Rafman, Robert Crumb, Junto Ito, Jim Woodring, Charles Burns, Jeremy Shaw….

Worst aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?


Best aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?

Livin’ the dream

(Pictures below of some art by Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 029

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 027

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 030

Do you consider what you are making to be ‘art’, ‘design’, re-hashed crap?

I don’t know.
I used to paint and do commissions… but now I am just constantly producing illustrations everyday…I don’t exactly think it’s “art” and I don’t know if this is the art work I want to be recognized for in the future…..  I’m just doing it for myself.

When and why did you first start making ‘art’ (drawings, paintings, anything)?

When I was young.  I needed an outlet.  This was better than singing or working out.
It’s become an addition.

What did you draw and make as a pre-teen child?

I drew comics of me and my dog in everyday life situations.  Like my Jack RussellTerrier being a dentist ( weird I know) or going on adventures….stuff like that.
I made a ton of comics.

What did you draw and make as a teen?

I was into drawing fashion illustration, more comics of high school life and more so interested in writing and doodling in my diary.

Any pivotal artistic moment/influence?

“Heroine” by Velvet Underground changed my life when I was 15.

(Pictures below of some art by Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 020

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 009

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 011

Why + when did you decide to go in on the art hustle?

I didn’t decide.
It just came naturally.

Describe the process of producing your art – dot point all o.k…

I like to have my reference material all around me, blast music and use about 5/6 different ink pens on each illustration then I scan them, edit them a little (if I want to use colour) and blog it!

A lot of your work features very similar looking women in each work…

* … care to elaborate more on this for those at home?


* Are the women depicted in your art you? – People you know? – Random source images?

Yah, I guess most of them are reflections of myself.
I don’t really identify with woman who don’t resemble me… So I guess ya- I draw myself.
I draw my own body even as it transposes into other characters…. Some of these works are autobiographical. Kind of making fun of sex and my own love life and experiences…
I find there is a universal truth that has been awakened or an awareness that arrives as these females open up and identify as real sexual, potent and explicit characters.
I am speaking my own truth through my art.  I have had struggles with myself, my body my sexuality growing up… I have felt ashamed and embarrassed even.  But I love the shame in my art.  The rest are friends and archival images I have found.

* If you had to write a Tinder bio for one of the women you draw – what would it say?

I have a Tinder account for myself and it says; “There is no place like your mouth”.
I feel I would keep it for my ladies I draw.

(Picture below of a self portrait by Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Self Portrait - 001

Odds n Ends

Please describe your experiences growing up in Canada?

Had an older equally crazy sister who I love and am best friends with  and a great mom and dad.

Favorite band(s)?

Right now?
Uhm I go through the weirdest phases with music. But I like Lana Del Ray, Fever Ray, disco funk, Beyonce, Caribou, Die Antwoord, The Knife…The Doors.

Favorite TV show(s)?

Broad City, X-Files, The Knick, Twin Peaks.

Favorite movie(s)?

OMG. Yay too many….
Buffalo 66, Hackers, Slacker, Spring Breakers, The Girl Next Door, Fantastic Planet, any Xavier Dolan Films, Paris, Texas, Bladerunner.

(Pictures below of some art by Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 007

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 008

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 025

Favorite books and comics?

Steppinwolf, Le Petite Prince, Heart Breaking Work of A Staggering Genius, anything Murakami, anything Kris Kraus, Trendy Wendy, Dykes to watch out for, AmericanSplendour, The Black Hole, The Spiral, Blue is the Warmest Colour, Ghost World

Who was your 1st crush and why?

Frodo from LOTR…

Does sex change everything?

Yes. Definitely.

Please describe your latest dream in detail…

Uhm.  I don’t think I can…. still trying to piece it together.

Drugs – waste of time or gateway to the universe?

I think both ( but not in a bad way).

(Pictures below of some art by Nikki)

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 021

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 022

Nikki Pecasso - Art - 026

Have you ever tried psychedelics of any sort? And what was the experience like?

Ya, I have tried a bunch of psychedelics… but how can I even start to describe it in writing?

Of everything you have done what would you most like to be remembered for and why?

Just for being Nikki Fucking Peck

Please describe what you think the Canadian Psyche/Zeitgeist is today?

Need to think about that.
Probably the power of Instagram.

Which 1990’s era cartoon, would you most like to see in a tribute sex toy, and why?

Him from powerpuff girls cause he’s sexy af.

(Picture below of Nikki’s ‘Powerpuff Girls’ tribute sex toy)

Art Whore Cartoon Sex Toy - Nikki Pecasso

Who would win in a fight and why: a drunk redneck on his way home from the pub Vs. A gang of teen art punks out on the town?

Teen art punks cause ART.

The Future

Any collaborations on the horizon?

Ya, I have a bunch of collaborations coming up – with fashion design, installations, large scale paintings and making zines.

Any major projects you want to hype?

Still working on them.


Nikki Pecasso - Art - 010

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