Art Whore

Art Talk – Jeremy Bourquin of ‘Dead Greedy’

Dead Greedy - Logo 002

Jeremy Bourquin is an American pop artist producing sculptural resin works that are not only aesthetically interesting, but also damn damn funny. Traits Jeremy shares with the classic era art of his self proclaimed biggest influence – Morgan ‘The Sucklord’ Phillips.

Indeed, it was a tribute to ole Morgan made by Jeremy – the ‘Popsuckle’ –  that first caught ole Art Whore’s eye. A resin work depicting ‘The Sucklord’ as that classic cheap, cold n disposable treat – the popsicle/iceblock.

Colorful. Bad For You. Ready to be consumed.

(Picture below of Jeremy holding one of his ‘Popsuckle’ creations)

Dead Greedy - Profile Pic w Popsuckle figure 002

With a slew of highly regarded releases behind him, a co-sign from ole ‘DKE Toys‘ and new works ready to debut at the 2015 SDCC, now is the perfect time to get to know ole Jeremy and ‘Dead Greedy’ by reading the Art Talk below…

Basics/Getting to Know

Name + D.O.B?

Jeremy Bourquin.

City, State n Country you currently call home?

Coppell, TX USA

City, State n Country you are from?

Dallas, TX, USA

(Pictures below of a pile of ‘Dead Greedy’ carded resin figures)

Dead Greedy - Resin Art Pile 001

Describe a memory from three stages of your life ….basically trying to piece together your pivotal moments. Concerts, art, action-figures, romance, school, crime… ANYTHING!

* age 5 – beginnings:

The first movie I saw, at 3, was Star Wars.
I wanted a Mohawk at 9, but my parents wouldn’t allow it.
I had a tendency to take my toys apart and to sometimes put them back together in new ways.

* age 10 – continuations:

In 3rd grade, I turned in a report for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said I wanted to be a knight and pissed off my teacher, Ms. Warren.
I wanted to get my ears pierced, but again, my parents wouldn’t allow it.
Collected: GI JOE, MOTU, MASK, Star Wars and Transformers.
I enjoyed shooting shot guns and riding 3 and 4-wheelers

(Picture below of Jeremy as a child)


* age 15 – getting serious:

I was homeschooled due to medical problems, so I had to spend a lot of time y myself.
During that time, I collected comic books and action figures.
I drew, sculpted and I wanted to be a fashion designer.

(Picture below of Jeremy as a teen)


* age 20 – young adult:

I attended college and took a personality test that said I should be a concrete scupltor, but due to society and its pre-determined roles, etc I ended up going into information technology.
However, I did get an associate’s degree in Arts & Sciences in addition to my bachelor’s in IT.

* age 30 – adult mode:

I managed an IT and an Art department.
The Art department was doing graphics arts as well as photography.

(Picture of Jeremy today)


Personal motto?

Serving Earth and Uranus

Favorite band(s)?

Beatles, Nirvana, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Weird Al and Eminem…

Favorite TV show(s)?

IT Crowd, Aquateen Hunger Force, South Park, SNL, Robot Chicken, Portlandia, The Simpsons, Family Guy  and Batman…

Favorite sport(s) + teams?


(Picture below of a custom kewpie doll by Jeremy)

Dead Greedy - Mash Up - Kewpie Doll 001

Favorite movie(s)?

Fight Club, Boogie Nights, Pulp fiction, MST3K and Star Wars…

Favorite books and comics?

Joker, Deadpool, Star Wars

Art Questions

Why the name ‘Dead Greedy’?

It’s a play on words: Han shot Greedo.
It reminds me not to be greedy, it is a message, it sounds good

Favorite other artist(s)?

Sucklord, Buff Monster, MonsterPants, Larry Carlson, Peter Gric, HR Giger, Ron English, Jason Freeny, Kozik, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, Jeremy Scott, Peter Max, Ralph McQuarrie, Kidrobot

Worst aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?

Pimp’n and Hoe’n yourself

Best aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?

Ability to start from nothing and Dov Kelemer (DKE Toys)

Thoughts on the rise of the resin art scene in general?

I am amazed and excited

Do you consider what you are making to be ‘art’, ‘design’, re-hashed crap?

It is not simply a “wham slam thank you ma’am” and put a different head on a figure that looks funny.
My art is based off plays on words and meshes of pop culture idol recognition.  Some of my works make statements.

Greesus has to do with ancient aliens and organized religion for profit.

(Pictures below of Jeremy’s workstation)




When and why did you first start making ‘art’ (drawings, paintings, anything)?

I painted one of my dad’s vases when I was 3.
He wanted to scold me, but he didn’t because he actually liked how it looked. I put some rusty brown accents on a vase he had just had fired.
I antiqued it back in the 70’s.

What did you draw as a pre-teen child?

Cartoons, cars, guns, robots…

What did you draw as a teen?

Naked women

Any pivotal artistic moment/influence?

Pop Art /Sucklord

Why + when did you decide to go in on the art hustle?

I had a booth at the 2015 Dallas Comic Con Fan Days to sell toys for my online toy store. I brought some of my art work to display on a small corner of the table.
Throughout the weekend, my artwork got far more attention than the products I had in the booth. Peoples’ reactions were amazing and very encouraging, especially for my Han Taun.

Describe the method of making a ‘Dead Greedy’ work? (dot point all o.k.)

* your original resin sculpts?

I start with a concept and decide what that would look like and then how to make it.

* your mash-up work – such as the Mountain Dewback figures?

I have to have concept for a funny mash-up, then I create the figure and card to represent the concept.
I try them out on some close people and after that they get produced.

(Pictures below of the ‘Dead Greedy’ Mountain Dewback figures)

Dead Greedy - Mash Up - Mountain Dewback 002

Dead Greedy - Mash Up - Mountain Dewback 001

* your art – such as your paintings?

They are sometimes planned, but I allow chance to interfere.

(Picture below of some paintings by Jeremy)

Dead Greedy - Art 002

Dead Greedy - Art 001

You have released a few resin figures thus far… What are the back bios / narratives for:

* Greesus?


(Pictures below of one of the many versions of the Greesus figure by ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Greesus 002

Dead Greedy - Resin - Greesus 001

* R2-PU?

Ewwbacca constructed R2-PU as his mobile home and personal sidekick.
R2-PU fights alongside Ewwbacca in the Alliance. All the Rebels say he smell like asstromech and loves to talk trash.
If you smelt it, he dealt it.

(Pictures below of the R2-PU figure by ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - R2PU 002

Dead Greedy - Resin - R2PU 003

* Thai Food Fighter?

Ever wonder if the light goes out when you close the refrigerator door? It does… There is a whole galaxy of activity hidden from our eyes.
With the battle for refrigerator supremacy, the Starve Wars begin.
No one can hear you scream in the cold, dark depths of refrigerator space!

(Pictures below of the Thai Food Fighter from ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Thai Food Fighter 001

Dead Greedy - Resin - Thai Food Fighter 002

* Fortune Cookiee Wookiee?

According to new evidence, Malla may have another son from the China Town section of Sesame Street.
Maternity test are pending.

(Pictures below of the Fortune Cookie Wookie from ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Fortune Cookie Wookie 001

Dead Greedy - Resin - Fortune Cookie Wookie 002
* Popsuckle?

This is a tribute figure to the Super Sucklord, Morgan Philips.

(Pictures below of the Popsuckle from ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Popsuckle 001

* Ewwbacca?

Unknown to Chewbacca, Malla used to wotk the streets.
That’s right. She worked a corner on Sesame Street. She had two illegitimate sons before meeting Chewbacca.
These sons, Ewwbacca and Cookiee Wookiee, have responded to the rebel yell of Billy Idol and the Alliance.

(Pictures below of the Ewwbacca figure from ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Ewwbacca 001

Dead Greedy - Resin - Ewwbacca 002
What were the highlights of your appearance on the ‘Angry Geeks’ show?

Letting people know about my work and being noticed to be on the show.

You are outspoken about your love for everything ‘Suckadelic’…

* What role has Morgan aka The Sucklord played in your artistic development?

He has inspired and encouraged me.

* Favorite Suckadelic figure?

That I own – Gay Empire. Of all of his figures – Occupy Cybertron

* Thoughts on the current status of Morgan in the art toy scene?

He continues to innovate and reach new heights

Odds n Ends

What role did toys play in your childhood?

Toys played a major role in my childhood and still do.  I have always been fascinated with models and toys.
My Dad is a big kid so I had video games to four wheelers.  He and I would play with remote control trucks and cars and video games.
He never grew up and created a monster just like him.

Please describe your experiences growing up in the USA?

I was born Dallas, Texas.
However, I grew up in a rural area with horses and cattle. I didn’t have too many rules, so I had a lot of freedom as a child.
At twelve, I moved to a more populated area and was exposed to a wider range of enthic diversity.
At twelve, we also found out that I have a severe liver disorder (It wasn’t until I was 25 that it was specifically diagnosed as Wilson’s Disease) and that I would probably not live past 15. This created in me a great need to learn as much as I could about myself and the world around me.
When I made it past 15, the curiosity and the desire to learn stayed with me.

Who was your 1st crush and why?

Mindy, she was cute and I wanted to kiss her.

Does sex change everything?

Yes. It’s a natural part of the evolving person’s experiences.
It opens your eyes to levels of intimacy, pain and pleasure that you never knew existed.
I treat every encounter as a unique and different experience to learn, grow from and enjoy.

Please describe your latest dream in detail…

I was having sex with my wife.

Have you ever tried psychedelics of any sort? And what was the experience like?

Yes, awesome.
Wish I could say more at this time.

(Pictures below of Jeremy getting his art on)



Of everything you have done what would you most like to be remembered for and why?

Being real and original

Drugs – waste of time or gateway to the universe?

Gateway to the universe

Please describe what you think the American Psyche/Zeitgeist is today?

Young Americans are creating a social and ethical revolution.

The Future

Any collaborations on the horizon?

Yes…on the way…none planned yet

(Pictures below of the recently released Dead Kool figure by ‘Dead Greedy’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Dead Kool 001

Dead Greedy - Resin - Dead Kool 002

Any major projects you want to hype?

I will have an exclusive figure at the 2015 SDCC, but I cannot reveal details until mid-June.

(Picture below of the 2015 SDCC release from ‘Dead Greedy’ and ‘DKE Toys’)

Dead Greedy - Resin - Mr TMNT


Dead Greedy - Logo 001

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