Shop Talk – Brandon of ‘Trippy Pins’

Trippy Pins - Logo - By GimJob69

Patches and pinsĀ are 2 classes of pop culture ephemera that have recently exploded in popularity. Cheap, quick to manufacture and with a multiplicity of uses; pins and patches have come to dominate the commercial side of the DIY weirdo art scene lately.

‘Trippy Pins’ – run by Brandon Cohen outta NYC in the USA – is one of the companies at the forefront of this trend, producing high end, limited edition pins, patches and other accessories that have been embraced by weirdos and art fans world wide.

(Picture below of some ‘Trippy Pins’)

Trippy Pins - Pins - 002

Brandon is a man with a long history of hustling – probably the most important ingredient of any successful entrepreneur – commenting in his Shop Talk how,

“I remember going away to summer camp and soda being banned…

I took it upon myself to have my parents to take me to the local off campus convenience store on visiting day to load up on black market soda and unload them to my fellow campers for a hefty profit.”

With ‘Trippy Pins’ having already worked with Art Whore Approved artists like Russell Taysom, Phetus and Grim Job 69; and much in the pipeline, now is the perfect time to get to know Brandon and ‘Trippy Pins’, by reading the Shop Talk, below:

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Shop Talk – Benny Kline of ‘Tenacious Toys’

Benny Kline - pic 002

Mr. Benny Kline of ‘Tenacious Toys‘ outta New York, USA is one of the many gods – most likely Thor – in the pantheon of the art-toy and new-pop-art spheres. A man who does all that he can both privately, and publicly to promote, grow and nurture the new pop art scene on a global level.

I could not think of any person more apt to be the first Shop Talk for ‘Art Whore‘.

Why? For all the reasons above, and because Benny is a man constantly living out his personal motto:

Learn, evolve, reach. Do it all yourself. Don’t quit.

(Picture below of one of the many ‘Tenacious Toys’ logos – this one by Sou John)

Tenacious Toys - round logo

As man always on the move, and with his pulse well and truly attuned to the contemporary pop art scene, now is the right time to get to know Mr. Benny Kline of ‘Tenacious Toys’, by reading the Shop Talk, below…

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