Art Talk – QWUX aka ‘STUPIDkid’

QWUX is an artist, designer, curator, editor and all round Australian art scene king. QWUX is firmly part of the ADD generation of artists – forever working on multiple projects, in multiple mediums, all imbued with QWUX’s unique talent.

And QWUX’s main themes? Well that’s easy – Japanese culture, food, computer games, pop art, designer toys, and being an all round legend! Hell, QWUX is such a good dude that when asked what he would most like to be remembered for – he simply answered: “Helping people.

(Some art by QWUX, below)

With QWUX recently revealing his new project – ‘STUPIDkid’ – and having recently arrived back home in Australia after spending time in Japan, now is the perfect time to get to know the man and his art by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

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