Art Talk – Doug E Fresh Of ‘Hemlock Bootlegs’


Ole Doug E Fresh of ‘Hemlock Bootlegs’ entered the resin game with a bang – his debut figure the ‘Behemoth’ gaining great reviews and promptly selling out when released in 2014. Recently he has released the ‘Salt Witch’ figure – a glow in the dark, clear resin figure that perfectly illustrates Doug’s blossoming skills.

My Fresh is humble and honest when it comes to his art toys, stating how,

“I mean, I don’t buy $45 “art toys”…so i don’t expect anyone else to either…i see it as a really special thing when someone decides to pay me money for the object i have created…”

(Picture below of the ‘Salt Witch’ resin from Hemlock Bootlegs)

Hemlock Bootlegs - The Salt Witch - 002

With plenty of collaborations ahead, and a drive and commitment to the game which is to be admired, now is the perfect time to get up to speed with everything ‘Hemlock Bootlegs’, by reading the Art Talk below…

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