Art Whore

Art Talk – Taylor Love aka ‘Skin Carver’ aka ‘Leper Lord’

Taylor Love is an American cartoonist who came to our attention thanks to his work on promotional art for the amazing documentary ‘Dead Hands Dig Deep’ – which profiles Musician and Artist Edwin Borsheim.

Barely 20, Taylor hails from the USA and brings a gothic vibe, and hint of humor to his works. He is an avid comic fan, and has already released 2 self published works – Turnip Noir and Symphony of Nightmares (a ‘DHDD’ tie in).

(Picture below of a self portrait by Taylor)

With Taylor relatively new to the art game, but already standing out thanks to a unique eye and dedicated work ethic, now is the perfect time to get to know the man and his art, by reading the Art Talk interview, below…

Basics/Getting to Know

Name + D.O.B?

Taylor Love

City, State n Country you currently call home?

California, USA

City, State n Country your from?

California, USA

(Pictures below of art by Taylor)

Describe a memory from some stages of your life ….basically trying to piece together your pivotal moments. Concerts, art, action-figures, romance, school, crime… ANYTHING man!

* age 5 – beginnings:

I remember really liking toy story and batman.
I had about 30 batman toys.

(Photo of Taylor as a child, below)

* age 10 – continuations:

I started getting into horror movies and the like. Questionable parenting some might say, I would not disagree.
Hellraiser and Halloween were very influential.

* age 15 – getting serious:

A couple of family deaths  and a new Iron Maiden album combined to make a very strange year.
I also saw Tool in concert, which despite society’s overwhelming opinion, I take no shame in.
Drawing began taking a more prominent role in my life.

* age 20 – young adult:

I am not yet 20 but I will be in the coming weeks.

* age 25 – further continuations:

I can only guess.

* age 30 – adult mode:


Personal motto?

I don’t know about motto… lately I’ve been using the word Janky.
I’m not sure if that counts.

Art Questions

Why the names ‘Skin Carver’ + ‘Leper Lord’ – you mentioned the names being part of some kinda trinity?

Skin carver is a Danzig song that I find to be a treat both in an aural and visceral way.
Leper lord is symbolic, whatever that may mean.
I only have instagram so its cool to change it up some times.

Favorite other artist(s)?

Frank Miller, Durer, Gary Panter, Cam Kennedy, Jack Kirby, D White, Benjamin Marra, Johnathan McBurnie, Josh Bayer.

Worst aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?

Bullshitting people.

Best aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?

Bullshitting people.
Es muy bueno.

(Pictures below of some comics by Taylor)

Do you consider what you are making to be ‘art’, ‘design’, re-hashed crap?

I try not to make rehashed crap but you never know.
It’s definitely depraved stuff a lot of the time.

When and why did you first start making ‘art’ (drawings, paintings, anything)?

I’ve liked drawing since i’ve been a small child.
Mostly because Sometimes there were some janky things happening in my life so it was a nice distraction.

What did you draw/make as a pre-teen child?

I drew a lot of sharks and monsters.
I had a phase where I was drawing some sickening combos of spongebob and hellraiser.

What did you draw/make as a teen?

Early teens a lot of eddies from Iron Maiden, then evolved into comic book stuff.

Any pivotal artistic moment/influence?

60s and 70s comic books.

Describe the process of producing your work? – (dot point all o.k.)

* your pen and ink work?

I do a pencil drawing then I use a brush to go on top of it.
I’ve been working to advance my ink skills.
Most of my work is ink based, it’s my favorite by far.

* your works in charcoal?

I do a lot of life drawings and stuff in charcoal for my college stuff.
I always try to use the pencils the charcoal sticks are too heavy.

* your colour work – often done in gouache?

I always think about color after words.

* your digital stuff?

Any digital stuff I do is based off or taken directly from an actual drawing.
I try not to do too much digital stuff but maybe in the future.

(Photo below of Taylor’s workdesk)

For those at home – please tell us all about your ‘Turnip Noir’ comic!

That was a comic I did during my last year of highschool, wherein an alcoh turnip has witnesses a murder of his coworker, committed by his boss. Whom is an evil cucumber whose tyranny has inundated our protagonist for far too long. He then fights back.
Haha that fucking comic was ridiculous to make.
It’s like a 40 page vegetable story.

(Pictures below of Taylor’s Turnip Noir comic)

What’s the deal with your future self comic creation – i saw a few versions of him on your IG?

It’s called 29 palms.
It’s an introspective comic that deals with the trials of turning into the next part of your life( i.e twenty to thirty)
I’m about to be 20 which is weird because I will never be a teenager  again and I likely wont get to 100 which means Ill be in the double digit stretch until the end. Its super fun to explore what my projected mindset will be in 10 years.
Also my birthday is on the 29 of October so its even more symbolic.
Hopefully that wasn’t too schizophrenic of an answer.
…Sorry for the sentence structure i’m trying to type in a similar fashion to how I speak.

Odds n Ends

Please describe your experiences growing up in America?

I like America but it’s very goofy.
I don’t really like Los Angeles anymore but occasionally it has something to offer that isn’t horrific.
We’ve got fricking Del Taco and In n out.

Who was your 1st crush and why?

I heard the smiths when I was like 7 and I couldn’t believe how cool it was.
Not a crush in the person to person sense but more like admiration I guess.
A strange answer.

(Pictures below of art by Taylor)

What role did toys play in your childhood?

I had all kind of action figures and I would spend an insubordinate amount of time with them.

Does sex change everything?

People are obsessed with it.
We act like we have all these deep existential pontifications, but everyone just wants to put their dong in everything.
Probably why we don’t have flying cars yet.

Favorite band(s)?

Iron Maiden, The Cure, The Smiths, Jesus and Mary Chain, Danzig, A Place to Bury Strangers, Death in June, Bobby Dylan, David Bowie.

Favorite TV show(s)?

Breaking Bad + US Election 2k16

(Some of Taylor’s more uhh… political art, below)

Favorite sport(s) + teams?

I don’t watch too many sports.

Favorite movie(s)?

Halloween, The Lobster, Lost in Translation, Entertainment.

Favorite books and comics?

Dark Knight Returns.
I like Benjamin Marras’ comics a lot as well.
Book wise –  Of Mice and Men. As trite as that sounds. That book was badass.
As well as Misery by Stephen king.

Which 1990’s era cartoon, would you most like to see as a sex toy, and why?

** Please sketch a prototype as well. **

Cat dog.
Two options.
Dp as the kids might say.

(Picture below of Taylor’s ‘Cat Dog’ inspired double ended dildo)

Who would win in a fight and why: a gang of acid fried, rake thin early 20s hippies Vs. An angry jock on his way home from the game?

** Please draw the battle in all it’s violent beauty! *

They Never Die.

(Picture below of the battle in all it’s violent beauty)

Please describe your latest dream in detail…

I dreamt about walking around a suburban area at what seemed like it  night time. The colors were all fried though and the sky was like lilac and it wasn’t dark out.
Then I walked to the neighbor hood park and it was completely vacant aside from two strangely red neck looking guys who were barbecuing. They were neon orange and as I approached the grill they looked at me in a very concerned manner.
Then before I saw what they were grilling I woke up.

Have you ever tried psychedelics of any sort? And what was the experience like?

I have not.
Although many people think I have based on my art.

Of everything you have done what would you most like to be remembered for and why?

My next project.
It’s whats most important.

Drugs – waste of time or gateway to the universe?

I would say it’s probably a waste but might as well.
I don’t do any.

Please describe what you think the American Psyche/Zeitgeist is today?

Mostly narcissism.
I don’t really know to be honest.

What does punk music and culture mean to you and why?

I like a lot of punk music.
More so than the music I like the prolific nature of the genre.

‘Dead Hands Dig Deep’ Questions

You got involved in the film via your cousin Jai – the director…

* what is it like working with Jai?

It’s cool .
We hang out and listen to Carly Simon and Bobby D.

* were do you see Jai’s career heading?

I think he’s going to have a cult audience.
As far as future projects I’m not sure.

* any tales you would care to share about Jai?

We once had our car engine implode while driving through the Temecula desert in the middle of summer.
That was very janky haha.

* what is your relationship with Jai like – i ask as i know you currently live in separate continents: Australia and the USA.

It’s good we are always collaborating on something.
Then he comes over to the us and we hang out at our grandparents house. Get late night taco bell.
Fun stuff.

* what impressions has he given you about Australia and Australians?

That they can be quite terse.

(Pictures below of some of Taylor’s ‘Dead Hands Dig Deep’ promo art)

I found your art thanks to the doco – were you provided visuals for many of the flyers…

* what was your role in the film?

Obviously drawing and stuff. I helped with sound later on.
Recently i’ve been handling the instagram.

* what are your thoughts on Edwin’s general mental state and artistic motivations?

He’s a free spirit.
I think most people would think he is unhinged but I’ve had some of the most articulate conversations of my life with Mr. Borsheim.

* what are your thoughts on Edwin generally?

I think he’s a super cool dude.
When the movie premiered at the Arclight I mostly just sat around with Edwin and talked.
He loved the tie in comic I did for the movie.

* have you kept in contact with Ed at all? And if so… What do you guys talk about?

Yeah I email him. Mostly about Danzig and drawings.
I dig him.

The Future

Any collaborations on the horizon?

I’m reprinting the comic tie in to DHDD called Symphony of Nightmares. It’s a cool story about Edwin.
Also we are doing a small run book of the posters for the film.

Any major projects you want to hype?

29 palms is definitely the next thing I want to hype. It’s something i’m really excited to make.
It will be updated on my instagram.

(Picture below of some art for Taylor’s ‘Dead Hands Dig Deep’ tie in comic)


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