James Quigley is an American artist whose goopy liquid style has seen him work for brands and artists as diverse as ‘Heroin Skateboards’, Andrew WK (on the …. video) and ‘Scumbags and Superstars’ to name but a few.
(Picture below of a cartoon, by GUNSHO)
With lots ahead, including James’ debut toy release with ‘Unbox Industries’, now is the perfect time to get to know James aka ‘GUNSHO’, by reading the Art Talk below…
Basics/Getting to Know
Name + D.O.B?
James Quigley aka GUNSHO.
1974 Virgo.
City, State n Country you’re Repping?
These days high up in the woods of Knox County, Maine USA.
Describe a memory from three stages of yr life ….basically trying to piece together Mr. Quigley’s pivotal moments. Concerts, art, action-figures, women, school, crime… ANYTHING man.
* age 10 – beginnings:
Just a month or so before my 10th birthday, I’m waking up out of a bad dream while sleeping at a Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout overnight camp.
Just as I begin to fall back asleep I see a costumed scout-master in phosphorescent white coveralls and a green mutant latex mask with accompanying rubber hands standing outside the door of the tent moaning.
All around me children are screaming in the darkness as the jackass bounds away giggling.
I’ve urinated in my powder-blue Smurf pajamas.
* age 15 – getting serious:
My best friend and I gain access to the Mimeograph and laminating machines at school.
A temporary small income is generated by selling pocket-sized laminated porn magazine pieces and bootleg hall passes.
* age 20 – adult mode:
I’ve matured into a long-haired angry androgyne.
(A recent picture of James, below)
Personal motto?
Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.
Favorite band(s)?
My current favorite song these days is “Faith Healer” by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band.
Favorite TV show(s)?
Count Duckula.
Favorite sport(s) + teams?
The Melborne Non-Dairy Creamers.
Favorite movie(s)?
Drillbit by Alex Chandon.
(Picture below of some art by GUNSHO, for ‘TransWorld Skateboarding‘)
Favorite books and comics?
Currently in front of me:
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall.
Realms of the Unconcious by V.V. Nalimov.
Hero Alliance from Innovation Comics.
Nth Man by Marvel Comics.
Badger by First Comics.
Art Questions
Favorite ‘other’ artist(s)?
My favorite living artist is Paul Laffoley.
Worst aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?
The inescapable miasma of milieus in-between subjugated objects and objectified subjects.
Best aspect of the contemporary art-hustle?
The further I go away the closer I come.
Do you consider what you are making to be ‘art’, ‘design’, re-hashed crap?
I squeeze out sloppy imagination nuggets.
When and why did you first start making ‘art’ (drawings, paintings, anything)?
I’ve drawn for as long as I can remember.
What did you draw as a pre-teen child?
I drew my own cartoon characters like a my dog as depicted as a mercenary and an anxiety-ridden platypus named, Newton Doorpecker.
What did you draw as a teen?
Mostly superheroes and characters from role-playing games.
(Picture below of some GUNSHO art, commissioned by ‘Diplo‘)
Any pivotal artistic moment/influence?
The accident of my birth.
Why + when did you decide to go in on the art hustle?
I’d say that I started getting hustled around 2001.
Describe the method of making a James Quigley work? (dot point all o.k.)
* your art?
A lot of reading and long hours of drawing.
* your digital work?
Scraping together computer gear and trying to get internet access.
Please describe your experiences growing up in the USA?
I’ve spent all of my life in the New England area. I’m originally from South County Rhode Island and I’ve lived in Providence and Boston.
I currently reside in a woodland part of rural Maine.
I’ve been to Europe, Canada, and Mexico.
My family is Irish and Swamp Yankee.
I am a Manchild of the World and Moon.
What were the highs and lows of your recent show at ‘Scumbags and Superstars’ in Brooklyn, NYC?
The crew at Scumbags & Superstars were a treat to work with.
They’re like a stoner street-gang. They run a solid operation and did a brilliant job getting the word out.
I met many interesting people at the opening, it was a great gathering.
What was it like working on the music video for Andrew W.K’s 2010 single, ‘I Want to See you go Wild’?
It was challenging, I was working really fast and hard along with the other guys who made it and in the end I think that there is a frantic energy that reflects that experience.
It’s loaded with occult symbolism, the comments on youtube are fun to read.
How did you come to provide art for the multiple ‘Heroin Skateboards’ decks?
Fos got in touch with me years and years ago.
I’m not sure how anyone finds me.
(Pictures below of some of GUNSHO’s work for ‘Heroin Skateboards’)
You have teased about an upcoming toy release in collaboration with ‘Unbox Industries’… care to elaborate more for those reading at home?
Two words… motherfuckin’ troll dolls.
Odds n Ends
What role did toys play in your childhood?
I was an action figure freak.
(Picture below of the design, and final toy, released by GUNSHO in collaboration with ‘Jamungo‘ back in 2006)
Who was your 1st crush and why?
She-Hulk, her torn clothes inspired me.
What do cats mean to you?
I have to go down to the basement and change the kitty litter.
Does sex change everything?
I know it doesn’t change the kitty litter.
Please describe your latest dream in detail…
I had a dream about a mutant cannabis plant with a very symmetrical stem system that formed a ringed solid wall.
I probably would have to draw it in order to really describe it.
Have you ever tried psychedelics of any sort? And what was the experience like?
Read “Death on Earth” by Gunsho, Eyeball Comix #4.
(Picture below of ‘Death on Earth’ by GUNSHO)
Of everything you have done what would you most like to be remembered for and why?
I’m very happy about the existence of my son S.K.Quigley.
Drugs – waste of time or gateway to the universe?
War on Drugs = Moron Drugs = More on Drugs.
Please describe what you think the American Psyche/Zeitgeist is today?
As anywhere else, all parties seem to be generationally ping-ponging between arbitrary political spheres confused by false senses of reason and somnambulistically controlled by the accidental elite.
Currently most Americans are gathering the bulk of their views from either permissive or authoritative-style social, cultural, and political news editorialization.
What did it feel like seeing your name on the cover of the illustrious ‘Pork’ zine?
It’s a happy dream and I’m never waking up.
(Picture below of some GUNSHO art, for ‘Aids Wolf‘)
What does the occult mean to you and why?
…because the occult is an endless road.
The Future
Any collaborations on the horizon?
I’m gathering together a handful of writers for an upcoming comic book that I’m drawing.
It will be released by Hidden Fortress Press in May 2015.
Any major projects you want to hype man?
I’m working in a few different mediums these days, at some point they’ll come together in some semblance of a project.
- James Quigley – Site
- James Quigley – Instagram
- James Quigley – Online Store
- James Quigley – Facebook (personal)
- James Quigley – Blog (old and no longer used)